Picture Sheffield is provided by Sheffield City Council’s Archives and Local Studies Service and contains over 80000 images of Sheffield and the surrounding areas. The site has recently undergone a complete redesign.
Picture Oxon
Picture Oxon contains images from the collections of Oxfordshire County Council held by the Oxfordshire History Centre
The Gordonstoun Archive retains and preserves records relating to the history of the Gordonstoun Estate and School, making them available for research. The Archive contains material dating from the 17th century to the present day, including the foundation of the School by Kurt Hahn, its organisation and development.
The Queensgate School Digital Archives contain original documents and photographs from throughout the School’s history. It showcases a complete collection of The Log, the Queen’s Gate annual School Magazine, first printed in 1902. An additional Photographic Archive has also been included which displays images from 1902 through to the present day.
Ordnance Survey Picture Library
For over twenty years the Ordnance Survey Picture Library have been using House of Images’ HPAC software to manage their extensive collection of historical and contemporary images.
The Manchester Regiment Image Archive is an on line collection of images from the Manchester Regiment Archive. The collection is held at Tameside Local Studies and Archives Centre
The North Lincolnshire Image Archive displays images from the North Lincolnshire Museum collection. This is the official site of North Lincolnshire Council which currently holds over 14000 images
The Halton Library Service Image website. Halton sits on either side of the River Mersey and is made up of the twin towns of Runcorn and Widnes and surrounding areas.
The libraries of Cumbria have in their collections, hundreds of thousands of historic photographs, slides, glass plates, postcards and engravings recalling the history of the local communities over the last hundred years and more. Over 50000 of these are available on the Cumbria Image Bank website.
The Kirklees Image Archive was set up in 1997 following the award of a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The HLF grant was the first ever awarded for a digital imaging project and it provided Kirklees Metropolitan Council with the funding to commence the digitisation of its collection of over 250,000 mainly black and white images including the photographic archive of the Huddersfield Daily Examiner.
As well as building his own “endless tapestry” of rural north Devon life from 1972-1989, James Ravilious also initiated a project to collect older images of the same area.
Inspired by a local Women’s Institute meeting exhibiting members’ photograph collections, James began to ask his subjects whether they themselves had any old photographs of the area which they might like to have included in the Beaford Archive.
He collected these images by rephotographing them, working closely with his colleague George Tucker to build what they called the “Old Archive”. Documentation relied upon the memories of those supplying the images; their recollections were carefully recorded, but often partial.
Additional images were accessioned by successive Beaford archivists, who also curated Old Archive exhibitions aimed at collecting the hidden histories in the images. The Old Archive now contains over 7,000 images, most of which date from 1880-1930 and predate the arrival of the Brownie camera in the region.
NE Lincs Archives and Heritage
The photographic collection of North East Lincolnshire Archives and Heritage